Vantage Leuna Certifications
Natural and certified materials offer sustainability advantages to meet customer demands, and product attributes like organic, fair trade, vegan, kosher, and ethical sourcing are most meaningfully proven by certification.
Responsible Care
Vantage Leuna has pledged to actively support the Responsible Care program of the VCI, Germany's chemical industry association.
Vantage Leuna has been certified for RSPO SCCS (Supply Chain Certification Standard) for the supply chain model MB (Mass Balance).
DIN EN ISO 50001:2018
The Vantage Leuna energy management system is DIN EN ISO 50001:2018 certified.
DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
The Vantage Leuna management system is DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 certified.
ISO 22716:2007 (GMP) & GMP+
Vantage Leuna meets the standards for the guidelines defining good cosmetic and feed additive manufacturing practices.
A large number of products manufactured in Leuna are certified according to KOSHER-Parve standards, meaning their production has been controlled under rabbinical supervision and meet Jewish requirements.