Thickened, low odor hydrogen peroxide activated paint remover effective on epoxy primers, base coats, clear coats, and other paint systems from exterior aircraft surfaces. Clings to vertical and inverted surfaces. 18-month shelf life. Conforms to key commercial OEM specifications.
B&B 3095 Aircraft Paint Remover is a highly thickened, low-odor hydrogen peroxide activated paint remover, effective in removing resistant multiple paint layers and primers from aircraft surfaces.
B&B 3095 effectively removes chromated and non-chromated epoxy primers and polyurethane topcoats. It is also capable of removing polysulfide coatings, sanding surfacers, rivet fillers, non-skid coatings, rain erosion coatings and underbelly or protective tape.
MEP 21-016, Hydrogen Peroxide Activated Paint Stripper
CSFS040-TXTAV-5, Type VI Paint Remover
United Airlines
Paint Remover for Epoxy and PU Paint, M&E 00-0609-3-9963, UA#STR3753-11-5
D6-17487, BSS7432
CSD #1 Type III Paint Remover
AMS MA4872A Paint Stripping of Commercial Aircraft*
ASTM F 1110, ASTM F 1080
Hydrogen Embrittlement, Type 1C, 150 hours, 45% load
ASTM F 483 Immersion Corrosion Test*
SMI Conformance Testing
Cadmium Removal Test
Corrosion Test for Dissimilar Metals, Al/Cad Plate, Al/Ti, Ti/Cad Plate, Ti/Mg*
Boeing Alloy Steel Surface Corrosion Test, 4130 Steel, Bare, 46-48 hrs at 90oF-100oF
Dissimilar Metal Corrosion Test, Al/Steel, Al/St Cad Plate, Al/Ti, Ti/St, Ti/Mg, Al/Mg
Residue Corrosion Test, Al/Steel, Al/St Cad Plate, Al/Ti, Ti/St, Ti/Mg, Al/Mg*
*excludes Mg alloys